Heartbreaks Are Good For Your Career

I’m not sure how many of you have experienced this but trust me, heartbreaks are like motivation. They are so good for your caeeer. You just need the right vision. You should know the right way to look into situations.

My relationship status was not single for a long long time; For years!! When I was in a relationship with someone I hardly got time for myself. In my free time my heart-and-brain-in-love used to think about my partner or I used to spend time with them. I don’t know how progressive other relationships are but mine were too shallow and we didn’t bother about each other’s growth. We were always into each other; wasting the precious days of our life; loving and romancing around! Cliché!

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My Top 10 Favourite Atticus’ Poems

I came to know about Atticus through pinterest. I read some of his poems and I fell in love. After a little research I came to know that he’s a Canadian poet but has kept his identity private. He wears a mask when he shows up in publc.

He’s a great poet and I love his writings. The way he expresses himself is beyond comparison.

Here are some of his peoms that I love the most. All of the are taken from his book: Love Her Wild.

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The Book That Changed My Life

Before I tell you which book changed my life, you must know that I was an atheist. I didn’t understand the concept of God. If I had no proof of His existence then why the hell on earth should I believe in God? I just didn’t know the meaning of prayers and what or who to imagine when I ask for something in prayers. What should I think of? It felt strange to pray. Also, I never felt the urge to know about all these.

When I started reading books, I became a totally different person. I wanted to know more. I wanted to know about spirituality and God. I just knew that books can help me with it. So, I bought a book on spirituality and that CHANGED MY LIFE.

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How I Fell In Love With Reading

I was never into books that much. All my school life, I didn’t read a single story book. I used to hate literature. Yeah, I started to read one book (Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat) but I didn’t complete it. I didn’t like it, actually.

When I was in the final year of my school, my best friend suggested me to read a romantic novel- I too had a love story by Ravinder Singh. I told her that I didn’t like reading. But she insisted me and told me that I would love that book. I had no other choice but read. Continue reading “How I Fell In Love With Reading”

The Mysterious Mountain Girl

A wooden house in a small mountain village. It is a lush green valley. A valley not much known to the world. The house is small and a little above the ground. A four step climb will take you to the porch. It has a wooden recliner with a small table on the side. Two books, some fresh blue mountain flowers in a plain white vase and a cup with coffee stains at the bottom. Someone drank the coffee and kept it there. A good luck chime with a small bell hangs from the top. There’s a ill-maintained door and two windows on each side. The door was open but there seemed to be no one in the house.

There are a few neighboring houses. You can count it just by looking around. All of them more or less look-alike. I took the steps and stood on the porch. From there I can see a curved gravel path leading to someplace. I set my eyes far at a distance and looked around; I saw the blue mountains with ice melting down its body. All the three sides had mountains and when I looked carefully I saw someone

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I’ll Chase My Dream Soon

My exams are nearing and I’m not studying. I haven’t read a page for like 3 months now. I don’t feel like studying. What I feel is that this is not what I want. What am I to do with good grades? I don’t want that 9 to 5 job. I can’t go there everyday, work for 10 hours in a closed box and come back home with disappointments. I can’t imagine myself to be in that position. I can’t wait for the weekends to relax. Who knows I might not be satisfied with the amount of salary I will be getting?!

I can’t wait for months to save money and arrange a trip. ‘Cause all I want to do is travel. Atleast twice a month.

The 9 to 5 jobs are like my dream-eater. I know ways which will make me travel more. But ..but..

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Excuse Me, I Have a Question

It’s 3 AM and I’m still up. I’m staring up at the ceiling and watching the fan. I could hear the fan moving and the crickets are making noise, too. I could hear the clock ticking. God! It’s so loud in here. I’m watching the lizard that is waiting for its prey and planning strategies. The lights are on and I’m lazy. I wonder why I’m here looking at nothings. What am I to do with myself and this life? Why do I feel so aimless at times?

Sometimes I feel that the purpose of life is to chase your dreams and acheive them. Then, on days like this, Continue reading “Excuse Me, I Have a Question”

College: Second Year

Life is so uncertain, isn’t it? You never know where you’ll be next year and what you’ll become. People come and people leave. The “forever” promises with friends become forgotten words. At some point of time they won’t matter to you anymore.

The “friends” I had in first year of my college slowly got out of my life. The reasons are very shitty. In my second year, I got into a relationship with a guy who was like my shelter in my bad days. He was a good friend of mine. But unfortunately things didn’t work out well with him, too.

Continue reading “College: Second Year”

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